Therapy can be a transformative process- through weekly sessions, you can experience growth and learn skills that can apply to the rest of your life. The more you put in to your work, the more you will get out of it.

Many find their process of growth becomes quicker and easier when doing work between weekly sessions. Please see below for the types of evidence-based resources that we may utilize during and between sessions.


  • Session Rating Scale

    Session Rating Scale

    Therapy helps people live more authentic lives by helping them put words to what was previously unsaid. Even in a safe, confidential space like therapy, it can still be hard to speak your truth. The Session rating scale is built to help you communicate your experience with me to help us shape your therapy experience and improve outcomes.

  • Brief Mood Survey

    This tool helps process difficult moments and feelings as they come up betweeen sessions. This empowers you to welcome all your feelings with curiosity and makes it easier for many to bring this material to sessions to explore more closely with their therapist.

  • Habit Log

    “That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.” - Karl Pearson

    The simple act of tracking a behavior will help you achieve positive results. When you measure something you want to change, such as sleep habits, relationship with food or exercise, addictions, or any behavior you want to change, these tools will help you make positive changes

  • Gratitude Journal

    Anxiety and Depression can take us away from being in the present moment. Studies show that practicing gratitude daily can improve our moods and quality of life. This daily log will help these muscles grow and train us to Feel Good in our daily lives.